
Level Up Your Mindset


Desentrañando el Yo: Un Camino Hacia el Crecimiento Personal

Astrid Auxier

In what ways might we live incredibly meaningful lives and realize the immense potential that exists within us? Astrid Auxier explores this provocative question in “Desentrañando el Yo: Un Camino Hacia el Crecimiento Personal” (Spanish Edition). Through his writing, Auxier invites us to take a trip that delves into our awareness and moves us closer to self-realization. Each chapter offers a strategy for letting go of the past, facing recurring fears head-on with courage, and creating our own narratives of empowerment. Like beams of sunlight through clouds, we might see glimmers of our actual nature when we accept the beauty of the here and now.

Language: Spanish
HARDCOVER ISBN: 9798892140331
PAPERBACK ISBN: 9798892140348
EBOOK ISBN: 9798892140355

La Imperfección Iluminada: Desvelando la Sabiduría Japonesa para una Vida Equilibrada

Astrid Auxier

Astrid Auxier examines the three traditional Japanese philosophies of Wabi-Sabi, Kaizen, and Ikigai in her book “La Imperfección Iluminada: Desvelando la Sabiduría Japonesa para una Vida Equilibrada”. Throughout the book, there is an emphasis on the idea that living with impermanence and imperfection can lead to a more balanced and satisfying life. Auxier urges readers to accept life’s uncertainties, find the beauty in imperfections, and see apparent flaws as details that give character and depth to promote pleasure and purpose in the modern world.

Language: Spanish
HARDCOVER ISBN: 9798892140126
PAPERBACK ISBN: 9798892140133
EBOOK ISBN: 9798892140140

Desvendando O Eu-Astrid Auxier-9798892140140

Desvendando o Eu: Um Caminho Para o Crescimento Pessoal

Astrid Auxier

In Desvendando o Eu: Um Caminho Para o Crescimento Pessoal, author Astrid Auxier serves as a guiding light in the intricate journey of self-discovery. The book explores finding balance in the present, overcoming overthinking, anxiety, and embracing authenticity. Readers are empowered to chart their unique paths to transformation and self-awareness. Desvendando o Eu provides valuable tools for unlocking inner freedom, making it an essential companion on the path to fulfillment through mindfulness.

Language: Portuguese
HARDCOVER ISBN: 9798892140126
PAPERBACK ISBN: 9798892140133
EBOOK ISBN: 9798892140140

Imperfeicao Iluminada-Astrid Auxier-9798892140188

Imperfeição Iluminada: Revelando a Sabedoria Japonesa para uma Vida Equilibrada

Astrid Auxier

In “Imperfeição Iluminada: Revealing Japanese Wisdom for a Balanced Life”, author Astrid Auxier introduces readers to the ancient wisdom of Japan, offering practical guidance on how to incorporate Eastern teachings into modern Western lifestyles. Exploring concepts such as Ikigai, Wabi-Sabi, and Kaizen, the book provides insights on finding purpose, embracing imperfection, and achieving constant improvement. Auxier’s narrative combines practical tips with profound wisdom, empowering readers to reduce stress, find fulfillment, and live intentionally. The book serves as a valuable toolkit for personal growth, offering a path to lasting contentment through timeless Japanese philosophies.

Language: Portuguese
HARDCOVER ISBN: 9798892140188
PAPERBACK ISBN: 9798892140195
EBOOK ISBN: 9798892140201