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Piruetas e Risadas pelo Mundo

Set out on an exciting international journey that sparks kids’ imaginations! Dalila Torgal’s “Piruetas e Risadas pelo Mundo” is a charming collection of proverbs from children rewritten as charming poems. This colorful book takes young readers on an engrossing journey while revealing the wisdom and whimsy hidden within proverbs that range from beautiful Brazilian scenery to old Chinese rituals. Every poem is a doorway into a different cultural world full of colorful people and captivating stories. By skillfully combining poetic prose with inventive storytelling, Torgal creates an engrossing mosaic of ethnic diversity. Piruetas e Risadas pelo Mundo encourages kids to explore, discover, and laugh together while providing insightful teachings, endearing encounters, and a broader comprehension of the rich diversity of human life.

Author: Dalila Torgal
Language: Portuguese

HARDCOVER ISBN: 9798892140126
PAPERBACK ISBN: 9798892140133
EBOOK ISBN: 9798892140140
